Guantánamo: This military basis must be closed

Speech at the plenary session of the European Parliament, February 16, 2006 - Strasbourg

Tobias Pflüger (GUE/NGL) - Author - Mr. President! Guantánamo - already the history of this US military base is stamped by wrong-doing. The USA are there only, because they have a so-called treaty with an earlier Cuban government, which in their understanding only becomes invalid if it is rescinded by both sides - completely abstruse.

Is it not time that we say quite clearly: This military basis must be closed, and Guántanamo Bay must be given back to Cuba? The reports reaching us from the US prisoner camp are shocking. 500 prisoners are still held there without trial and without due procedure, and bad mistreatments and torture are being carried out there. Guantánamo is a law-free space. There needs to be an end to these abuses: those responsible must be accused, and the torturers must be put on trial. We also have to say very clearly that there are a number of people - as, for instance, the Germany Chancelloress Angela Merkel who say that they want a closure. At the same time, however, her interior minister says: “In Guantánamo, a person has been interrogated - if I am well informed - by German authorities.” Apparently, Germany and other EU states are heavily involved. There must finally be an end here to the double moral of the European Union.

Translated by Carla Krüger, February 20, 2006

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