New world-wide network against military bases

Declaration: International Conference for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases, - 5. - 9. März, 2007, Quito und Manta, Ecuador

On 03 to 08 March 2007 I attended, together with my colleague Thanasis Pafilis from Greece, the international conference against military bases that took place in Quito, Ecuador. Quito had been chosen, because the US operates a military base in Manta near Quito.

Concerning this base, the new Ecuadorian government under President Rafael Correa has decided not to extend the contract with the USA beyond 2009. On the international conference in Quito a network was created, which is directed against all foreign military bases and any infrastructure with which the wars of aggression be led. My contribution on the conference dealt with the situation in Europe. The European Union plays a double role: On the one hand there are many and above all very important US-military bases in Europe such as Ramstein or Vicenza, the latter being of essential importance as regards the war guidance in Iraq and Afghanistan. At present these US military bases are being restructured.

On the other hand Member States of the European Union such as France, Great Britain and Germany operate military bases all over the world that are increasingly used also by the other Member states or for military deployments of the European Union. Examples are the French military basis in Gabon (used by German soldiers for their military employment in Congo), the British military bases in Cyprus or Kenya, or the German military base Termez in Uzbekistan, through which most of the supply for the war engagement in Afghanistan is transferred.
In Quito I represented the European participants in the working group that negotiated the concluding statement and was chosen to be the one to solemnly read out the statement at the end of the conference. The new world-wide network against military bases which was decided in Quito is an important historical step. We should support it.

Best wishes,

Tobias Pflüger, MdEP
Declaration: International Conference for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases

March 5 to 9, 2007, Quito and Manta, Ecuador

We come together from 40 countries as grassroots activists from groups that promote women’s rights, indigenous sovereignty, environmental justice, human rights, and social justice. We come from social movements, peace movements, faith-based organizations, youth organizations, trade unions, and indigenous communities. We come from local, national, and international formations.

United by our struggle for justice, peace, self-determination of peoples and ecological sustainability, we have founded a network animated by the principles of solidarity, equality, openness, and respect for diversity.

Foreign military bases and all other infrastructure used for wars of aggression violate human rights; oppress all people, particularly indigenous peoples, African descendants, women and children; and destroy communities and the environment. They exact immeasurable consequences on the spiritual and psychological wellbeing of humankind. They are instruments of war that entrench militarization, colonialism, imperial policy, patriarchy, and racism. The United States-led illegal invasions and ongoing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan were launched from and enabled by such bases. We call for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from these lands and reject any planned attack against Iran.

We denounce the primary responsibility of the U.S. in the proliferation of foreign military bases, as well as the role of NATO, the European Union and other countries that have or host foreign military bases.

We call for the total abolition of all foreign military bases and all other infrastructure used for wars of aggression, including military operations, maneuvers, trainings, exercises, agreements, weapons in space, military laboratories and other forms of military interventions.

We demand an end to both the construction of new bases and the reinforcement of existing bases; an end to and cleanup of environmental contamination; an end to legal immunity and other privileges of foreign military personnel. We demand integral restauration and full and just compensation for social and environmental damages caused by these bases.

Our first act as an international network is to strengthen Ecuador’s commitment to terminate the agreement that permits the U.S. military to use the base in Manta beyond 2009. We commit to remain vigilant to ensure this victory.

We support and stand in solidarity with those who struggle for the abolition of all foreign military bases worldwide.

Foreign Military Bases Out Now!

Manta Si! Bases No

International Conference for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases

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