Disarmament is the order of the day!

Speech by Tobias Pflüger on NPT in the name of the European United Left/ Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) parliamentary group on March 13, 2007 in the European Parliament.

The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is under threat in many ways:

The newest media reports on the topic:

The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote on March 3rd that the US were planning new nuclear warheads. We criticise this.

In the EU state of Great Britain, British Prime Minister Tony Blair wants to spend 30bn Euros on the modernisation of Britain's nuclear forces.
Tomorrow there will be a vote in the British House of Commons. This atomic production endangers the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and the German Council presidency must adopt a critical stance. The GUE/NGL supports the protests against this nuclear programme.

Meanwhile, the USA plans to build a missile defence programme in the Czech Republic, Poland and in the Caucasus. According to NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer yesterday, NATO wants to take part with its own missile defence system, especially for South Eastern Europe. And the German Military Minister Franz-Josef Jung wants to put the entire missile defence system under the umbrella of NATO. The EU Council and Commission must finally clearly criticise these rocket defence plans. Together with two colleagues, I have started a written declaration (019/2007) against the missile defence system and I invite all of you to sign it.

At the same time, a war is being prepared against Iran, the BBC reports. Wesley Clark says so as well, and he is former NATO chief commander. Even the use of nuclear weapons is being considered.

Criticising Iran is hypocritical if the countries own nuclear weapons themselves or are even modernising them.

The non-proliferation treaty signifies that all nuclear weapons must be disarmed. There are no good nuclear weapons; disarmament is the order of the day!

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