Demo in Fulda for those arrested under 129a

Sommerakademie 4th of August 2007, 17:20

This afternoon 400 people of the Attac summer academy marched into the city of Fulda to protest against the arrest of the Berlin sociologist Andrej H. and the accusations of terrorism against three other persons.

The 4 arrested are accused of membership in a terrorist alliance under paragraph 129a StGB. Andrej H. was supposed to participate as a speaker in the Attac summer academy on Saturday afternoon. The scientific work of the city-sociologist is used as the central justification of his warrant. Accordingly the demo had on the front banner the motto: “The one who reads this is a terrorist”.

Again and again the demo chanted slogans like “We are all 129a”, “All terrorists”, and “We are not all - the prisoners are missing”.

The member of european parliament and activist of the anti-militarist info IMI Tobias Pflüger demanded the immediate release of Andrej H. and pointed out that this new series of arrests display a new quality of surveillance and censorship for political activists and critical science.

Around 40 participants of the summer academy reported themselves to the police officer in charge as they carry the same moments of suspicion that were brought up against Andrej H. In a “Self-accusation under 129a” they declared:
- that they as well fulfill the intellectual and material prerequisites of composing a responsibility claim
- that they as well have access to libraries needed for the respective research, which they can use without attracting attention
- that they as well published texts which contain phrases used also in texts of the “Militante Gruppe”.

Other participants of the demo went into bookshops after the action distributing flyers, which read: “Attention! You are suspicious under the terrorist paragraph 129a! Reason is: You can read!”

As a next step it is planned to expand the self-accusation action to give more people the possibility to declare their solidarity with Andrej H. and to show the absurdity of the accusations against him.

Quoted from:
On you find more informations about the case of Andrej H. and thethree other prisoners.

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