Busy agenda for GUE/NGL MEPs at the European Social Forum in Malmö

Pressemitteilng der Vereinigten Europäischen Linken / Nordische Grüne Linke (GUE/NGL), Malmö, 19.9.09

"The Vaxholm ruling was not a mistake. The judges knew exactly what they were doing. They based their decisions on directives, the treaties and on the fundamental aims of the EU which is not to create a welfare state for workers, but to secure free and undistorted competition and the four fundamental freedoms: free movement of goods, capital, workers and services", said Danish GUE/NGL MEP Søren Søndergaard during a second seminar looking at the consequences of ECJ rulings for workers and trade unions at the European Social Forum today in Malmö.

Amongst his suggestions for potential action, MEP Søndergaard said "an absolute minimum must be a legally binding protocol, signed by all 27 Member States, stating the that the EU cannot in any way reduce the right to take action which workers in any given country are legally entitled to." In addition, he said "in situations of conflict, the social rights of workers should prevail over the four freedoms and free competition". He also called for concrete demonstrations by workers who should show their determination to secure a social Europe.

"We stand at a crossroads today. Either we accept the ECJ ruling with all the consequences it will have for working people and for our societies in the years and generations to come. Or we use this opportunity to insist on following another road, a road leading to a social Europe. If we stand up and fight we have a chance of winning. If we don’t, we have already lost."

Women's economic rights
Concluding a debate on "Free Trade, Feminism and the Lisbon Treaty: the fight for women's economic rights", which brought together women from Europe, Africa and Latin America, Swedish MEP Eva-Britt Svensson warned "if the Lisbon Treaty comes into force, all the problems you mentioned here (social rights, gender equality, war) will get even worse". However, she said she had listened carefully to their demands and proposals. "I will take the responsibility to be the voice of women from Latin America, Africa and Europe in the European Parliament," she promised.

Employment, immigration
Italian GUE/NGL MEP Roberto Musacchio participated in a number of seminars and concluded his participation at these events by saying "Together with social movements and civil society, our group will be giving priority to a number of important issues featuring in the current European political debate in the coming months. Issues such as the working time directive, the fight against the anti-missile shields and radars in the Czech Republic and Poland, as well as the status of migrants."

Peace and solidarity
For his part, Tobias Pflüger (GUE/NGL, Germany) took the floor during a seminar entitled "No to NATO, No to US bases and nuclear weapons in Europe, Europe for peace and solidarity". MEP Pflüger said "While preparing for its 60th anniversary in May 2009 in Strasbourg and Kehl, NATO is developing an even more aggressive strategy toward the rest of the world, as shown in the planned missile shield in Poland, its role in the Caucasus war and in clinging to the right to first use of atomic weapons." He said the GUE/NGL supported the broad protests against this anniversary event and added that it was not acceptable that NATO sought to use the European Parliament buildings in Strasbourg for its celebration.

Parliamentarians & civil society join forces
Dutch GUE/NGL MEP Erik Meijer took part in a workshop "Parliamentarians and civil society: joining forces to tackle Global Europe" which brought together national, regional and European parliamentarians and social movements with a view to improving exchanges and cooperation and developing permanent cooperation to tackle the EU's neoliberal policies both within and outside Europe.

The GUE/NGL will participate in a demonstration entitled "Power to the people - against capitalism and environmental degradation - a different world is possible" organised as part of the ESF tomorrow (Saturday) in Malmö starting at 13:00 (Rosengard area).

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