Letters patent from EU-Parlamentarians on trial against a turkish conscientious objector

To the Turkish President, AHMET NECDET SEZER,
the Prime Minister RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister ABDULLAH GÜL,
the Minister of Justice CEMİL ÇİÇEK,
the Minister of National Defense VECDİ GÖNÜL,
the Minister of the Interior ABDULKADİR AKSU

We, the undersigning Members of the European Parliament, hereby express our deepest concern on the case of Mehmet Tarhan who is denied his right to conscientious objection, deriving from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Mehmet Tarhan declared his conscientious objection on 27 October 2001 and continued anti-war activities in public ever since, without going into hiding. Therefore he is charged with "Insubordination in front of the unit". According to Article 88 Turkish Military Penal Code (TACK), he is facing a penalty between 3 months and 5 years imprisonment.

He was arrested on 8 April and until now is imprisoned in the Military Prison of Sivas where he is facing death threats, severe abuse and blackmail attempts by other prisoners, those encouraged and supported by prison guards. Prison authorities did not react on Mehmet Tarhans complaints. Only when his lawyer Suna Coskun demanded an examination, they would record the abuse. But still Mehmet Tarhan is target of threats and assaults. Further on he was transferred forcibly to a military hospital where he was by violence undressed and forced to wear a uniform.
Due to the repeated and grave mistreatment, Mehmet Tarhan suffers from several health problems.

The first trial on 28 April 2005 was attended by an international delegation. The trial was adjourned to 26 May, to call several soldiers from his unit as witnesses.

We, the undersigning Members of the European Parliament, call for the immediate release of Mehmet Tarhan and for the exemption of Mehmet Tarhan from military service. As long as he is imprisoned, we fear for his health, and call on you to ensure that he won't be mistreated.
The arrest of Mehmet Tarhan, the abuse in the military prison and the charge against him are violations of the human right to conscientious objection, the human right on freedom of movement and the human right on freedom from cruel and inhuman treatment according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We also demand for the constitutional recognition of the right to conscientious objection.
Conscientious objection is a human right, deriving from Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Turkey is a signatory.

Therefore we urge you to exert your influence and to take appropriate action towards the release of Mehmet Tarhan as well as of all imprisoned conscientious objectors and towards the recognition of the right to conscientious objection.

First Signatures:

Members of the European Parliament
Adamos Adamou, Vittorio Agnoletto, Paulo Casaca, Fausto Correia, Richard Falbr, Helmuth Markov, Erik Meijer, Willy Meyer, Luisa Morgantini, Roberto Musacchio, Dimitris Papadimoulis, Tobias Pflueger, Miguel Portas, Miloslav Ransdorf, Raul Romeva, Heide Ruehle, Eva-Britt Svensson, Kyriacos Triantaphyllides, Sahra Wagenknecht, Gabi Zimmer

More signatures will follow.

First reactions from the Turkish press:
Ten conscientious objectors detained: European Parliament members express concern
Turkish Daily News, 28. Mai 2005

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