No US rocket base radar station on the territory of the Czech Republic!

WRITTEN DECLARATION, 0019/2007, 12.2.2007

pursuant to Rule 116 of the Rules of Procedure by Daniel Strož, Athanasios Pafilis and Tobias Pflüger

against the construction of a US rocket base radar station on the territory of the Czech Republic

Written declaration against the construction of a US rocket base radar station on the territory of the Czech Republic

The European Parliament,

– having regard to Rule 116 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas on 19 January 2007 the US Government made a request to the Czech Government concerning the opening of negotiations on situating a radar station for a US anti-rocket base on the territory of the Czech Republic, to which the Czech Government, which has the weakest mandate of any government since the establishment of the Czech Republic, responded favourably,

B. whereas, according to the information available, the US anti-rocket base itself is to be located in Poland, which will give rise to a significant increase in the American military presence in central Europe,

C. concerned that locating US weapons systems in the aforementioned countries will lead to new arms races and that these weapons systems will not provide any protection but will be a constant source of potential threat not only to people living in the Czech Republic and Poland but also to the inhabitants of other EU Member States,

D. notes that the aggressive military policy pursued by the current US Government and based on imperialist and hegemonist interests also threatens peace in Europe,

1. Calls on the Government of the Czech Republic to reassess its favourable position towards the US request to locate a radar station in the Czech Republic, and, if such a reassessment is not made, to do all it can to ensure that a referendum is held on this request;

2. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Government of the Czech Republic and the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

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