It is time to finally put an end to nuclear weapons

Debate on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in the European Parliament, 23 April 2009

Tobias Pflüger for GUE/NGL

Now it is time to finally put an end to nuclear weapons and to implement the obligations of NPT, particularly article six.
The new president of the US, Barack Obama, has said that he wants nuclear disarmament. Now it is for the governments of the EU to take action and to engage in disarmament. That means in particular not modernising French and British nuclear weapons, but disarmament! It also means stopping nuclear sharing in Germany. And it means withdrawing US nuclear weapons from Europe, for instance from Büchel in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
The majority of the European Parliament and - as for now - its Foreign Affairs Committee should make sure not to miss the boat. They should not vote for blurry reports, and they should leave the original concrete demands in the report. I have the impression that the EPP still lives in the past.
It is necessary to actually strengthen the disarmament component of NPT. This is what we should decide tomorrow.

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