"No means no!" – make the No vote of the Irish European! - Declaration of the scientific board of attacs

The participants of the European Summer University of Attac groups from the European countries welcome the Irish "NO" to the Treaty of Lisbon. The Irish referendum was preceded by a discussion which was both intensive and factually centred around the themes of the European Union and the treaties by which it was created. The reasons to reject the Treaty of Lisbon raised by the "Campaign Against the EU Constitution - Vote against the Treaty of Lisbon" (www.caeuc.org) were similar to the reasons raised by the "Non" in France and the "Nee" in the Netherlands.

The lack of democracy in the Treaty of Lisbon was criticised. The governments of the member States and the Commission have the dominant role in the EU, with little right of decision-making for the European Parliament, an absence of transparency, and no popular legitimacy in the appointment of the Commission. This is also shown by the extremely limited decision-making rights of the parliaments. Lastly this is shown in the absence of transparency in the selection of the Commission, which is not legitimised by any popular vote.

There was criticism of the neoliberal direction of the Treaty, which is fixated upon “an open market economy with free competition”. The criticism of the militarization of the European Union was an important reason for the rejection in Ireland, as this would have further undermined Irish neutrality. Lastly, criticism was directed against the fact that Ireland would have had less representation within the Union as a result of the Lisbon Treaty.

The Lisbon Treaty is de facto nothing other than the “Treaty for a Constitution for Europe” which was rejected both in France and the Netherlands. It contains the substantive elements of a constitution, and as such must be ratified by the citizens of the European Union via a plebiscite.

We therefore demand a plebiscite in all the Member States of the European Union on the matter of future treaties which form the foundation of the European Union.

The problem is not that 5 million Irish wish to decide for 8oo million Europeans. On the contrary, the problem is that 5 million Irish are required to vote in place of the 8oo million Europeans, because the European elites have refused to hold a plebiscite in the other EU Member States.

The content of the “Treaty of Lisbon” (as also the almost identical EU Constitutional treaty) has been rejected three times in plebiscites. The Treaty of Lisbon is dead. The European Union now needs to start over again. It is necessary to have a new treaty, which would provide a democratic foundation for the European Union, with social goals and working towards a comprehensive demilitarisation in Europe and the world.

We demand from the Governments of the Member States of the EU that they accept the “NO” of the Irish people. We need public consultation towards a new treaty.

"No means No!“

in german: http://tobiaspflueger.twoday.net/stories/5109810/
'Call for action' for October 11.: http://tobiaspflueger.twoday.net/stories/5109785
Short report from the European Summer University from Tobias Pflüger in german: http://tobiaspflueger.twoday.net/stories/5109650/

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